Monday, May 6, 2013

The Stormy Road
By: Kaila Stoddard

            On a stormy winter night, four teenagers, Alex, Ryan, Jessica, and Kelly went on a road trip to a cabin owned by Alex’s cousin. The trip to the cabin from Alex’s house was three hours away. The route that they need to take involved a scary road with no guardrails and in the middle of nowhere standing above a lake. They all piled into Alex’s van and headed off.
            The trip was going great despite the rain and snow. The four friends approached this very scary road. They all looked at it and said it was not a good idea to drive on because the roads were very slippery. Alex was very hesitant to drive on it because it looked too dangerous. He looked around to see if there was anywhere close by for them to stay as the storm passes, but he saw nothing. Their only choice was to drive on this road. Alex then put the car in drive and attempted to move. He was going at a steady 10 miles per hour. Everything felt like smooth sailing until they spotted a shadow on the road. Distracting Alex, he swerved off of the road to avoid whatever he may have seen. The car flipped over and smashed into a tree. All four survived. As they regained consciousness, they checked their cell phones two were smashed from the accident, one was lost, and the other did not have any cell phone service. They were trapped in the middle of nowhere with the rain and snow coming down on them making them very cold. They struggled themselves out of the van and tried to look for the shadowy figure they saw on the road. They searched and searched for a couple of hours and found nothing. It kept reappearing and finally they noticed it. They saw this man behind this shadow walking towards them. This man looked like he has been through hell and back. He had cuts and scratches all over him and he was bleeding from everywhere. His wounds looked like it was inflicted by a knife.
            The man warned the kids that there was something in these woods and they need to leave immediately before he/it found them. They trusted this man and ran about three miles down the road until they spotted a gas station. They went in there and told the clerk the whole story of what had just happened on this terrifying night. The clerk called the police and they were there in about twenty minutes because this place was very secluded. He then drove the teenagers back to the spot where they crashed and met this very scary man. They all rushed out of the car. The police officer knew where the man was where all of the tools were that the crazy man used. The four teenagers thought that this was unusual that he knew where everything was and this was his first time in this area. The teenagers started to panic and before it was too late the police officer was coming at them with a knife. The four teenagers rushed back into the police car and drove away because t left the keys in the ignition. The kids ran away from the officer and survived this whole ordeal.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Uncle Don

“Rosalinda! Rosalinda! I found your uncle in my yard again! Rosalinda!”
This is my alarm clock that goes off every morning at 8:55. Even on weekends.  I haven’t had a break since my uncle Don was placed on my doorstep on August 13th, 2005. He was honorably discharged from the Iraq after his tour of duty, and right before he came back my parent’s had pleaded with me to take care of him and would help out financially. They just didn’t want to take care of him is all. And now, while I lie in bed and try to mute of Mr. Panza’s yelling, I get the thought of having my life back. Of being able to live without a normal burden that isn’t a family or a job. I groan and stretch out my limbs, and as I do I make myself feel guilty for having such thoughts. Uncle Don needs someone to take care of him, and that should be me.

“Rosalinda!” I hear Mr. Panza shout again and I reach above my bed to poke my head out of the window.
“Hold on! I’ll be there in a second!” I shout back as I squint my eyes to adjust to the light. It’s too early in the morning for the sun to be so… sunny.
I quickly got dressed, stumbling over shoes and Uncle Don’s toy horse, Rocinante. It fell onto its side let out a loud “neigh” and the legs started to move back and forth. I never knew a toy could be so bothersome until Uncle Don moved in.
As I finally made my way outside, I catch my breath and let out a low sigh. Mr. Panza and Uncle Don were sitting next to each other on Mr. Panza’s porch. I could hear Uncle Don talk about giants and Mr. Panza goading him on, saying that the giants were “actually just windmill’s, dummy.”

Mr. Panza and Uncle Don had been friends for a long time. They were in the same basic training camp together and then in the same unit together when they left for war. Mr. Panza came back before Uncle Don did and apparently he’s lived in the house next to mine before I even considered moving here. He and his family have been really helpful in being there for my uncle.
“Sancho, I know what it was!” Uncle Don exclaimed, “they were there during when we were in Iraq! I remember shooting at them. They never went down, just deflected the bullets!”
“I know, Don! I still have some of the bullet in my calf!” Mr. Panza slapped at the back of his right calf and laughed loudly.

I walked up the stairs of his porch and leaned against the railing. “You know you both might as well become my alarm clock. I’m always awake before it goes off anyway.” I smiled as I chided them. I wasn’t really nagging, it’s the usual banter every morning. It’s all a routine nowadays and I can’t really complain.
“Rosalinda, did I ever tell you about the giants in Iraq? They may have been our biggest foes! There were about twelve of them!”
“I told you they were windmills!” Mr. Panza interjected.
I laughed and shook my head at the both of them. “Mr. Panza can you help me bring Uncle Don back to the house? I have to get him and the house ready for his nurses today.”
Mr. Panza nodded and lifted Uncle Don’s arm around his shoulder, and helping him up.

⦁ ⦁ ⦁

Uncle’s nurse, Andrés, rang the doorbell around noon and proceeded to take care of him so I could have a break. Andrés was cooking uncle breakfast to which he exclaimed,
“I must know these secrets! Tell me, where do you get those nice shoes from?”
What do you mean? I got them from Foot Locker. These are just for comfort.” Andrés looked confused and turned back to making eggs.

“I must know, I must know! Too much sanity may be madness. And maddest of all, to see life as it is and not as it should be.” Uncle Don exclaimed, standing up to walk outside. My eyes follow him through the window to see him go back over to Mr. Panza’s front yard. He picks up a gnome and studies it before setting it back down and bowing to it. I see him mumble some words to the gnome and Mr. Panza is back outside next to Uncle Don.
“I must go save my love. Dulcinea, she’s still in Iraq! Why would they take me away from her! When she needs me the most!” Uncle Don cried out to Mr. Panza.

“Don! Don, it’s okay! She’s fine I bet, she knows how to stay alive.” Mr. Panza tried to console my uncle, but he wasn’t convinced. Mr. Panza talked to me about Dulcinea once before. He told me that Uncle Don had made her up in his dreams. Dulcinea was his perfect lady. He says when Uncle Don began talking about her out loud, is when the hallucinations and fantasies began.  He said Uncle Don was able to fool the military for a long time into thinking that there was nothing was wrong with him. He used to bite his cheek to contain outbursts before his superiors noticed, and he would always keep his hat low so no one could see his eyes wander to nothing as he had his adventures.

Mr. Panza is much shorter than Uncle Don and they look so comical standing next to each other. Mr. Panza links his arm around Uncle and brings him back over to our porch. Andrés is standing there waiting expectantly and patiently, and I can just see Uncle Don as he bows to him as well before being brought back inside.

⦁ ⦁ ⦁
“Rosalinda, I’m leaving now. I’ve already given your uncle his med’s. He should be asleep within a half an hour.” Andrés said to me as he was heading out the door. We said our “goodbyes” until tomorrow, he shut the door and I was stuck with quiet for the rest of the night. Until Uncle Don woke me up again at 8:55. He was a handful and was always stuck in his mind, but I was surprised when Uncle Don had his moments of clarity and would tell me about his times in the army and when he was young. It was always the same things I already knew though, but I still listened because one never does know.
Right now was one of these moments. Uncle Don had sat on the chair across from me and looked me straight in the eyes.

“Rosalinda, I want to tell you something.” Uncle Don began. I nodded my head and let him talk. He told me about the woman whose name he said earlier, “Dulcinea”. She was a real person Uncle had met during the war. Her real name was Aldonza and she lived in a town just a couple of miles from where Uncle was stationed.
“I used to sneak out and visit her during lights out. I’d run to her home and be sweaty, but she still talked to me and loved me; no matter how sweaty I was.” Uncle looked down at his folded hands and continued.
“I loved her too, and I still do. I used to call her Dulcinea because she was my sweetest. We would meet and talk to each other for five of the eight months I was stationed there.” Uncle Don had let out a long sigh, and then there was silence.
“What happened between you both?” I questioned, and I had seen Uncle’s eyes were glassy and red.
“Well, her home was bombed, by insurgents. She was inside at the time and she died along with the rest of her family members. I remember I had snuck out that night, and was prepared to go see her, a big jolly grin on my face. I had ran there, two or three miles it didn’t take that long. It never did. I thought I was lost when I didn’t see her home. It was just open space where her home stood hours before. No one was around to tell me what had happened. I walked around the rubble and almost stepped on something. It was her hand. I know it was her hand. It was burnt badly and I almost vomited, so I ran away back to the base camp.”
Uncle Don stopped there and stood up, stretching and yawning loudly. I stood up with him and linked my arm with his.
“Let’s get you to bed.” I said, and walked with him to his room. I watched him as he got settled into bed. We said our “goodnights” and I closed his door.
As I walked to my room, I realize that my understanding grows more and more of my Uncle as our time together grows. He isn’t really sick to me, just lonely. Living in a fantasy where Dulcinea is with him. I lay in bed and try to get in as much sleep as I can before 8:55.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality

by Brian Cleary
            Bright green rays shot out from the power button on the video game console as the flashing HD graphics on the television lit up the dark bedroom. Donny sat upright in his bed and glared at the screen as his fingers rapidly pressed button combinations on the controller. His only concern was to beat the current level of SynWars. SynWars was the newest and hottest video game on the market. Donny repeatedly tapped the "A" and "B" buttons in hopes of making the ultimate move to defeat his opponent, but taking down the creatures of the AK Tribe was no simple task. These monsters were some of the most dangerous and lethal characters that the Syn Galaxy had to offer. His hands began to sweat on the controller as he watched his attempted moves begin to fail.
            "Could this really be happening?", Donny thought to himself. For the third night in a row he had faced defeat from level seventeen of SynWars. His bedroom went black with the change of the television screen as the words, "Game Over" appeared. In frustration, Donny threw his head back on to his pillow and let out a heavy sigh. He couldn’t help, but to feel upset over this game that he had grew so fond of over the past few weeks. Donny was basically to the point of addiction. He'd fallen in love with the way that he was able to use his mind and skill in order to control the main character, Space Cadet Tommy Trix. The whole main idea of SynWars revolved around Trix and his abilities to  use strength and courage to defeat the numerous villains and controversies that surrounded the Syn Galaxy.         
            With the console and television turned off, Donny began to relax and started to think to himself. He dreamt of his adventures as Trix. He dreamed of having the same attributes as Trix and being able to fight endless monsters of the Syn Galaxy. However Trix was also a symbol of justice and a symbol of standing up for what is right. For Donny, Trix was a virtual figure that defined what every man should be. As his mind continued to race, Donny's eyelids grew heavier until he eventually fell asleep.
            The beaming rays of the morning sun crept threw the blinds of the bedroom window as Donny slowly removed himself from bed. A swift swing of his hand and the slap of a button put a silence to the annoying ringing of his 7:30 am alarm. As he stood up to stretch, he began to look in the mirror. For a reason that only his imagination could explain, he felt different today. He felt like he was ready to take on the day as a better man, a man of a much higher caliber. In fact, on this day, he came to the realization that he was indeed, Tommy Trix. It was as if his dreams and relentless thoughts had finally twisted his mind enough to know that this was right. This is how he was meant to be.
            He quickly went to his closet. The first thing he grabbed was his SynWars collector's edition t-shirt. Then right after he put on a brand new pair of dark jeans, his black leather Tommy Trix replica boots, and topped it off with his black leather jacket. On his left wrist he sported a flashy watch, almost as if it were the same gadget that Trix used to project holograms and teleport back and forth from the SynWars headquarters. Last, but not least, Donny put on his black sunglasses. He looked back into the full length mirror on the wall next to him and firmly stated, "I'm ready". He continued to talk to his own reflection with his best impression of Trix, "I'm ready to take on any challenges that this world and this galaxy may bestow upon me!". Donny's mother couldn't help but, to hear Donny's voice from the hallway. She knocked on the door and yelled, "Donny you're going to miss the bus!" He quickly snapped out of the moment he was having, grabbed his book bag and headed downstairs and out the front door.
            With his sunglasses blocking the powerful lights coming from the sky above him, he headed down the street to the corner. Approaching the stop sign was a spaceship that stretched over 50 feet long. Its shining chrome exterior was strong enough to deflect any space debris that may disrupt it's flight. Donny boarded the ship, gave a nod to the pilot, walked down the aisle to the last seat on his left and buckled himself in. Donny noticed the other SynWars fighters were staring at him. Surely they were just impressed by his intimidating stature and his sharp looks. It's not every day you share a space shuttle ride with the strongest fighter in the Syn Galaxy.       
            The students began to stare at Donny. They struggled to understand his odd appearance and the fact that he had buckled himself in so securely to the bus seat. Donny was always a quiet kid and none of the other sixth graders ever felt any incentive to try and talk to him. A girl sitting diagonal from Donny turned around to get a glance at his humorous outfit. She giggled to herself and turned back to talk to the girl next to her.
            From under his mysterious shades, Donny was able to notice the girls talking about him. He recognized the girl that had turned around to look at him, her name was Abby. Donny had seen her on the spaceship numerous times before. She was one of the most beautiful girls throughout the Syn Galaxy and definitely worthy of galactic royalty. Not to be distracted from his previous mindset, Donny returned to his view out of the spaceship window and regained his thoughts. The spaceship should be arriving at headquarters any minute.
            As soon as Donny entered the front doors of headquarters and walked down the hallways, he received a similar look of curiosity from the other space cadets.            Oblivious of the other kids at Mid-Valley Middle School, Donny just continued down the hallway to be sure that he wasn’t late for his first space training of the day.
            The teacher waited outside the door of the classroom to watch for her students to enter before the bell rang. She noticed Donny walking down the hallway in his black leather outfit and black sunglasses. Donny approached the classroom while Mrs. Toliver, his math teacher, politely asked, "Donny could you please remove your sunglasses while you're in the classroom?" Donny gave a confused looked as if he didn’t know what issue she was addressing. He simply smiled and walked in to the classroom and sat at his desk with his sunglasses still intact. Today was a test day for Mrs. Toliver's first period class. Once all the students sat down she briefly read over the directions and handed out the tests.
            Donny immediately knew that this was a set up. He'd seen this before. The headmaster was trying to see if his galactic combat knowledge was up to date. Donny flew through the test and answered every question correctly. Before he handed his paper in he signed at the top, "Tommy Trix". Mrs. Toliver looked at his paper as he turned it in and she was awfully puzzled by Donny's name choice. Donny exited the classroom and went on with his day attending his other space training sessions. Eventually, it was time for lunch and he walked over to the cafeteria.
            Donny looked around the busy dining hall and scanned for any trouble that he knew the Syn Galaxy was notorious for. After he deemed the place to be safe he moved on to find somewhere to sit. He noticed one table where one space cadet was sitting alone. Donny walked over and sat down next to him. It wasn’t the ideal place to spend his time, but he knew that no one deserves to be alone, not in this galaxy. The boys name was Sam. Donny introduced himself and began to tell Sam all about his thoughts of SynWars. He explained how he has set out to spend his day fighting for what is right, just like Trix would. Sam didn't necessarily understand Donny's mindset, but it was simple enough to understand he was a friend.
            Donny and Sam headed out for a little recess time instead of hanging out in the cafeteria. Donny quickly found out that something wasn't right, but Sam wasn't as quick to pick up on the situation. Donny sprinted over towards a small group of trees. Sam asked, "Donny what are you doing over here?" Donny replied frantically, "Can't you see that we are under attack? These are the creatures of the AK Tribe, some of the most powerful monsters in the Syn Galaxy!"
            Donny began to run around kicking and hitting the trees as if he was going to take them down. Sam sat back and was amused by Donny's poor combat skills. Donny was doing cart wheels in order to dodge any plasma rays that the monsters could fire at him. Another kick, another dodge. Donny stepped back and was breathing heavily. "I don't think I can finish them off, let's get back to headquarters before this gets ugly." Donny told Sam. Sam told Donny once they got back inside the school building, "You know you were kicking a bunch of trees right?" Donny glared at Sam in disgust and replied, "I know I wasn’t able to do much, but I had to try my best." Sam shrugged his shoulders and they continued down the hallway.
            The school day was nearing to an end and Sam and Donny had met up after their last period class. They began to walk down the hallway and Donny asked Sam how his space training had gone. Sam was still slightly confused by the whole thing, but he replied that it was going well. They walked and talked about the day as the left to the school to head for the busses, when all of sudden they noticed a group of kids congregating on grass over by the trees. Donny asked, "What's going on with all those space cadets gathered over there?" Sam started to run, "I think it's a fight!"
            Donny zoned in on the group as he got closer. He saw a creature that he was not able to recognize. It was a monster of rather large size and surely more strength than he's ever seen. The monster had a firm grasp of one of Donny's respective space cadets. In a moment of confusion Donny said to Sam, "I've never seen a creature of his sorts." Sam replied, "I think he is a kid from the High School. He's trying to steal that kids money or something."
            Donny was sure that this was a villain from somewhere outside the Syn Galaxy. His next step was to figure out how to take him out. Out of the corner of his eye he saw something on the ground. He ran over and picked it up. It seemed to be some sort of galactic space sword. With both hands he firmly grasped the sword and sprinted at the crowd. The space cadets got out of the way once they saw Donny running straight at them. He sprinted towards the back of the monster and raised the sword high above his head. In a glimpse of a thought, Donny thought of Trix and all the enemies of the Syn Galaxy that he had defeated. Now was Donny's chance to stand for all that is good. With all his might he swung the sword at the back of the monster and hit him with a powerful strike. The monster let out a cry and tumbled to the ground, releasing the innocent cadet from the grip of his giant hands.
            The kid had no idea what had hit him. The high school bully got back to his feet and scurried away with his other high school friend. The students that had gathered cheered for Donny, but quickly dispersed and ran toward the busses as they saw teachers running over from the school. The kid that Donny saved said thanks and followed with the others toward the busses.    
            Mrs. Toliver ran over to where the scene had previously taken place. She saw Donny standing there with a rather large stick in his hand and Sam was right behind him a few feet back. She frantically asked the boys what had happened. Donny paused and thought to himself before answering, "We just did what was right for the good of the galaxy." Mrs. Toliver was mind boggled by the response and sent the boys to their busses after making sure they were unharmed.
            Donny boarded the space shuttle again, but this time it was headed for home. His work in the galaxy was done for today. He returned to his same seat and buckled himself in for lift off. As he looked up, he saw Abby walking down the aisle, but this time she wasn’t headed for her usual seat. Abby stood in the aisle in front of Donny and told him, "What you did out there was really brave. I've never seen anything like that." Donny bashfully replied, "Oh it wasn't really anything. That's what is expected when you're fighting in the Syn Galaxy." Abby did her familiar giggle and smiled at Donny. "Well can you tell me more about this galaxy?" Donny was shocked by her intrigue. Fighting all his nerves, Donny replied "Uhh…yea. I mean yea! sure!" Abby sat down in the seat next to Donny as he began to explain. Abby was fascinated by Donny but, it wasn't because of his stories of SynWars and Tommy Trix, it was the way that he thought and how it was so different from the other kids.
            The bus came to a stop. Donny got up, said good bye to his new friend Abby and headed for home. Usually Donny sprints home to get back and start playing his video games again, but today was different. He removed his sunglasses and thought about the day. His craving to play SynWars wasn't as high because in his mind, after what he had done today, he had already beaten a new level.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Serpent's Stockholm Syndrome (Based on The Company of Wolves)

In a modest little cottage buried deep in the foliage of the woods, a man who wasn't a man and a little blonde girl laid snuggled together on a rug by the fireside. While the man was covered in a coat of warm fur, the girl lay beside him, shivering and naked. A few others (who, like the man, weren't really people) lounged about on the furniture, now ruined from its excessive use by the residents contained within. Like the furniture, the rest of the cottage’s interior was dirty and dilapidated, with trails of muddy paw prints streaked across the stained wood floors. A raven perched on the windowsill, squawking when it observed movement from one of the creatures inside.
Eventually the young woman stirred from her slumber, wiggling her small frame out of the grasp of her sometimes-lover. No sooner had she done so did the wolf-man also wake up to see her heading towards the door. He let out a growl of warning.
“Relax. I’m just going outside to look for something to eat.”
He nodded in understanding and watched her departure from the window.
The raven squawked loader, this time successful in waking up the other werewolves. It flew from the sill and followed the young woman down the road. Noticing their companion by the window, a few of the wolves sauntered over to him.
“Did your whore leave at the crack of dawn again?” one of them scoffed.
“She needed to go look for something to eat. I do not eat the things she does, so there’s no point in going with her on her search. Besides, we have a hunt to get on with later in the day. There was no need to tell her no,” he replied.
“Don’t try to act like you’re in control, boy. You’re more whipped than a farmer’s hound, and you know it,” one of the others said.
“I am not ‘whipped.’ Her life is in my hands, I can do with it as I please. If I tell her to stay put, she stays put. If I tell her to do something for me, she does so. If I tell her to bend over and offer herself to me, she asks me ‘How far should I bend?’ How can you tell me I’m not in control of her when everything else says otherwise?” he snarled back.
“Because it doesn’t,” the first one replied, “She may do those things for you, but how often has she refused you? More than once, I can tell you that. She argues with you and you let her. Does a pet argue with its master in such a way? No, it does not. And that’s all she is, brother. She’s not one of us, and she doesn’t follow our rules. For all you know, when she leaves our company to go search for food, she may be out there looking for a huntsman to come and slaughter us all. She’s cunning, and she manipulates you to get what she wants. She’s a snake, coiled and waiting to strike. How many times will it take for you to realize you should have eaten her long ago?”
The man was silent as he continued to stare out the window.
“Here’s the deal,” the third one piped up, “ We've been talking, and we've all agreed that you might as well eat it already. It’s not one of us, it doesn't belong. We already have too many mouths to feed. When we go on the hunt today, you will stay behind. Wait for your pet, and when it returns, devour it. Gobble up every last bit of it—we don’t care how, just as long as you get rid of it so we never have to see it again. Do you understand?”
He hesitated before he spoke.
“I understand. I've let her push me around far too much, and to keep her around is a danger to our company. I will take care of it as soon as she returns, though I can tell you she will be missed.”
The wolf sat at the fire side and placed another log into the burning pile. He would surprise her, he thought, when she walks through the door. He’ll grab her and throw her right into the fire, charred and crisped for eating. The other wolves had left for their hunt for what seemed like hours ago, but that was only because he was half-dreading what was to come. He sighed as he remembered the long nights they spent together, sharing pleasure and pain and sometimes secrets into the small hours of the night.
At that moment the girl opened the door and came inside, closing the frost and cutting winds behind her. She turned around to see the wolf-man staring at her with a startled look on his face, her grandmother’s herbs and spices set in neat little rows on the table.
“What are you doing?” she asked, narrowing her eyes at him.
He got to his feet and adjusted himself. There was no use in lying, he thought. It wouldn't make any difference.
“What does it look like? I’m going to eat you, of course,” he replied with a stony expression.
“This is about what the other wolves were telling you, isn't it?” her voice was cruel in their accusations, “Saying that I tricked you? That I used you?” she spat. “I heard you talking to them while I was outside. I wasn't that far away from the house. I’m not stupid like they think I am.”
“You’re a liability to the company. You seduced me…and you liked it. I’m not going to let you do it again,” he stated coldly.
She smiled then, and her smile did not match her eyes, which were brimming with contempt and disgust—and this is what unnerved him most.
“You really think I’m the one using you?” she scoffed. “I wasn't the one who stalked you through the woods. Granted I was attracted at first, but when I learned what you were…” Although she hadn't finished her sentence, the implications said it all.
“I didn't eat your kin,” she continued, “I wasn't the one who surrounded you with my starving pack and left you with no other option. Seduce you? You ate my grandmother, and then you got laid. How could I possibly…? How could I possibly enjoy such a thing…?”
She was shaking now, and although she tried to stop herself from doing so, she couldn't bring herself to contain her contempt any longer.
“I hate you. I hate you for that. My grandmother was important to us, and every day I live in fear that you’ll change your mind and do the same to me. I haven’t seen my family for months. I've brushed your coat and listened to your complaining. About your secret desires and your greatest fears. I have always been there, since the day we met. I was there for you during times you couldn't even trust your own pack. And this is what I get? At the slightest suggestion all of a sudden I’m nothing but a light snack and a fuck-toy for you to play with. So go ahead and eat me you son of a bitch. I hope I only make you hungrier with my tiny body, and that my splintered bones cut open your greedy stomach and your blackened heart.”
She waited for a reply, glaring daggers at him; but instead the wolf looked down at his feet, his face hidden from view.
 “Well? What do you have to say to that?” she demanded.
“I say I should have eaten you a long time ago, back when you were fresh and well-fed,” he growled, but then stopped himself. He paused to look at her in contemplative silence. “Do you really feel that way?”
 “I do,” she nodded.
“I regret to say I thought otherwise,” he replied.
“Well then you thought wrong. So what now?” she asked, feeling awkward.
“Do you really want your freedom?”
“I…I do,” she replied, this time looking away.
“Then take it. Get as far away from here as you can, as soon as you can. Go back to your family,” he told her.
“Good. Thank you.” She turned to leave, but then stopped. “I won’t tell them about this place. You know, what happened here. Just don’t come to our village. Otherwise I will tell them, and well…you know the rest. You know where it is?”
“I do. I’ll be sure to avoid it,” he agreed.
“Okay then. Goodbye, Mr. Wolf.” With that final farewell, and with nothing to take on her journey home, the girl wasted no time in fleeing the little cottage, naked and starving through the mud and the melting snow, the sharp wind cutting at her skin as she stumbled down the trail as fast as she could. Not even once did she turn to look back.
The wolf watched her go, silently debating on going after her—but for what purpose, he wasn't sure—until she was out of sight beyond the horizon. A raven squawked at the windowsill, announcing the return of the pack, and the wolf stood in silence as he stroked the raven’s oily feathered head, over and over again.   

The Power of Innocence

By: Valerie Janiga

Based off “Company of Wolves” by Angela Carter

This is a story of a young girl innocent as can be who stood up for a wolf.

                Her name was Ashley and lived with her family in a small town in Alaska. She was 9 years old and the baby of the family with two older brothers. She was loved by everyone, with her adorable smile, blonde curly hair, ice blue eyes and her pretty red lips. Everyone in town was very close and helped out with anything that needed to be done. You could walk down the street and would know everyone you passed.

                Ashley loved the snow. She would always go out into the woods and watch the snow fall on the trees and make snow angles on the ground. Ashley’s grandma lived across town. She goes to visit her every weekend. When she was younger her brothers showed her a path though the wood that was a short cut to her grandmother’s house and from then on that’s the way she took. Every time she would go out to play or to see her grandma, her mother would always say “don’t forget your jacket and mittens”.  Ashley’s grandma made her this beautiful red coat and mitten to match that she always wore.

                One day while she was at her grandma’s house, her and her brothers were sitting by the fireplace with some hot chocolate. As they were sitting in the living room they heard the wind and heard the branches whistling in it. Then Ashley oldest brother calls to their grandma “hey grandma can you tell us a story?”.  In excitement Ashley and her other brother jump up and starts asking too, they love listening to their grandma tell stories. Grandma came into the living room and sat down on the couch and said “alright I have a story for you”. They all sat quietly as their grandma started her story.

                She began “Once upon a time there was a little boy who lived in a small town like this one. His name was Ryan. Ryan loved going into the woods and playing in the trees and making forts. He was a good child like you three, always smiling and laughing. He lived with his dad. His dad loved to hunt, and he took Ryan out hunting with him every hunting season. As he got older he decided that he would go out hunting on his own. On one cold winter day he told his dad he was going hunting, he asked if he wanted to go but he was feeling under the weather and decided to stay in. so Ryan left and told him he would be back soon. Hours passed and he dad started to get worried. He called everyone in town and they went out looking for Ryan. It started getting dark out, everyone was worried something bad happened to him. A day passed and he still wasn’t home. His dad and the rest of the town sent out a search party. He was gone for 5 days before they found him. They found him deep into the woods with his arm tore off and wounds all over his body. When they got back to town everyone got together and made a pack to find the monster who did this and to get rid of him. Every night the children stayed in with their moms and the dads went out to try and find the beast. A few months pasted and nothing turned up. Then a year went by and one man was cutting down a tree for some fire wood and he heard something coming from the bushes. He went over to investigate. All of a sudden a big wolf jumped out of the bush.  He got so frightened and ran back into town. He ran and told everyone about it but they didn’t believe him. A week later at night fall a pack of wolves came into town and started attacking the people. Everyone was running and screaming trying to get away. The men came out with guns and killed a few of them and scared the rest away before anyone else could get hurt. The towns people signed an agreement that if any wolf comes into town they would kill it in memory of Ryan and of the wolf attack that night.” Ashley’s brother jumped up and started growling at her and pretending to be a wolf. She got scared and ran to her grandma. Her other brother than asked “Grandma is that why there is a list of names and a wolf head in the bar that dad goes to?” “Yes” she replied. After she finished the story she sent them off to bed.

                The next day they went home and told their mom the story they were told the night before. Their mom was not happy with it and told them to just go and play. A few days went by and one afternoon Ashley was playing in the woods after school while her brothers were helping their dad with something at the house. She started walking along a trail and noticed animal prints in the snow. She looked at them and didn’t recognize them. They looked like her cats but bigger, she heard something coming from behind her and she turned around slowly. She realized that they weren’t a cat paw but a wolf’s. She tried to scream but nothing came out. The wolf just stared in her eyes as she was looking at her.  Then the wolf turned around and went on her way. She ran back to her house as fast as she could. So frightened she went right to her room and went to bed. That night she remembered the story that her grandma had told her and her brother a little over a year ago. The next day she decided to go back to the woods and find out if it really was a wolf or not. She found the paw prints and followed them.  They led to a little bush hut inside were 3 wolf pups. She started walking closer to get a better look at them. She was so mesmerized by them that she didn’t realize their mom was behind her. She felt the momma wolf breathing on her neck, she turned around and fell on the ground. The mother wolf just walked over towards her staring Ashley down. She got over top of her and just looked at her. Ashley looked in her eyes and should could tell that she was just trying to protect her babies and would not hurt her. She got up and the wolf let her stand there and look at her pups. Ashley slowly started to walk away, and went home. She was so surprised that when she got back home she decided to tell her brother about what happened. Being the big brother he is he went and told their mom. Her mom was so worried and she told their dad. When he heard what happened he immediately went to the town bar and got together all the guys and decided to go on a wolf hunt. Ashley was having a fit and yelling and telling them not to go and to leave her alone but her dad was not having it. He made her stay home with her mom. Ashley was really upset and ran to her room and locked the door. After she knew her mom was in the living room watching TV she quietly snuck out her window and ran to where the wolf and her pups are. She sat there waiting for the guys to eventually find them. After a while she saw them walking through the woods towards her. She was very quiet, as they got closer her dad saw her and told her to come by him and get away from the wolf. She wouldn’t listen to him and stood in front of the wolfs den. As the guys started to come around she started to beg and plea that they would just go home and leave the wolf alone. She could tell that they were not happy and they wanted just to kill the wolf, but she kept trying to reason with them. After time and time again of Ashley talking to them and trying to get them to change their mind, eventually her dad walked over to her and looked at the guys and told them to go home. She was so proud that she could help save the mother wolf and her pups. Every day she decided to go and give the pups a little snack. The mother was so thankful she was treating Ashley as a friend and she knew that from now on that the wolf problem was over.
And that is how the power of an innocent little girl changed the town and their opinions and now the wolf is the towns legendary animal. Everyone now knows the story of Ashley and how she saved the wolf and her pups.

Children In The Basement

      I love projects at the end of the semester. Not. My professor of my culture class wants us to "study something interesting from a culture that we're not familiar with". My friend Eva told me about Turkish mannequins. She loves studying other cultures in her free time but she's not acquainted with Japanese customs. Eva told me she wants to do her project on Anime and Manga. Whatever they are.
      Anyways, later that day, I spend my time Googling things like "Turkish Culture", "Mannequins" and "Turkey". I come across a hit from a list under my last search "Turkish Mannequins" and a really interesting name came up. Apparently someone named Master Bedii was a Turkish mannequin maker. The pictures related to his mannequins were stunning! I do one last google search before getting ready for bed. I type in "Master Bedii" into the search bar, press enter and look at the hits. Finding one that's about his son, also named Bedii, catches my attention so I click on the link. It leads me to a wikipedia page and I find out that he retired to America after being in Turkey for so long.
      So he's in the U.S., but where? Reading a little further, I see that he lives in Brooklyn, New York. The school is just outside the city of Brooklyn! Maybe I can test my luck if I can get a hold of him.
      The next day, I ask Eva for her help in finding a way to contact Mr. Bedii. Seeing as she's already a pro with researching other cultures in her free time, she finds me his email address faster than I can say the word "Marshmallow". I compose an email to him:

                 Mr. Bedii,
                       My name is Maggie Green. I'm a student of a university just outside Brooklyn.
            I'm in a Cultural Studies class and I'm doing a project about your father's mannequins.
                       I was wondering if I would be able to interview you in person to collect
            information about them. It's completely okay if you say no.
                       I hope I didn't disturb you.
                                                                                                    Thank you for your time,
                                                                                                           Maggie Green

                                                                   •    •    •

      A couple of days go by without any word back from Mr. Bedii. So I just continued doing my own research about Master Bedii's work while I wait. A couple hours after I get out of work on a beautiful friday evening, I hear my phone buzz on the table next to me. It's an email! I open the email on my Droid and see that it's a reply from Master Bedii's son:

                 Dear Maggie,
                       I am glad to hear from someone that is interested in learning about my father's
                 mannequins and I would be glad to be interviewed about them.
                       I am free this Saturday from 2pm to 5pm. I will be expecting you.
                                                                                      Enjoy the rest of your evening,
                                                                                                             Mr. Bedii

      This is great! I make a note of the address he provided with his email and then text my coworker Billy to see if she can switch shifts with me. Thankfully I work things out with her and my whole day tomorrow is freed up. I shoot an email to my boss telling him that Billy and I switched shifts so I can take time off from work to do a project for school. After that, I go to bed around midnight and sleep like a rock.
      I slept so well that I wake up a lot earlier than I wanted to but at least I feel refreshed. Saturday morning goes by quickly and I'm ready and out the door by quarter past one. It takes about 35 minutes to get to Mr. Bedii's house; the traffic wasn't as bad as I'd anticipated.
      Mr. Bedii answers the door not long after I use the knocker. He greets me happily and says "I'm very glad to know someone is interested in seeing my father's work". I gave him a polite smile and explained "We can both thank my friend Eva, she was the one who told me about them when the project was assigned." He laughs and says "Well Maggie, you came to the right place. Come in, the mannequins are kept in the back of my basement."
      I follow him inside, eager to see the life-like dolls that I saw on Google a couple nights ago. Mr. Bedii leads me to the basement and starts to talk.
      "When I was living in Turkey with my father, Master Bedii, he wanted to teach me how to make children of my own. The mannequins you would see around Turkey are not like what you see in America. Turkish mannequins look like real people at first glance instead of plastic dolls."
      Mr. Bedii opens the door to his basement and starts down the stairs and I follow after him. He switches on the light and the mannequins seem surreal. The older man turned to me and asked "Isn't it astounding? My father's children look so much like real people that a Sheikh thought they were made to compete with the children of Allah." I was surprised by what he said only because I never really learned about another culture other than Spanish. I'll have to ask Eva what a Sheikh and Allah are later.

      "Excuse me, I mean no offense but why do you keep calling the mannequins your fathers children?" I ask him.
      "No offense taken" he said kindly. Mr. Bedii looked towards the mannequins. I take my phone out to use the camera and snap a couple photos of the mannequin that seems like a chef. "I call them my father's children because they really are his children. Every one of these mannequins has a little piece of my father's soul in them." He took a seat at the table in the other corner of the basement. I continued to take pictures of the other mannequins around the room.
      I'm so floored by how realistic they look that it makes me start to wonder why he hasn't donated them to a local museum.
      I sit down in the other seat across from the son of the mannequin artist. He gives me a look of curiosity like he's waiting for me to say something. I say "I'm kind of at a loss for words, sir. I never knew something like these mannequins ever existed."
      Mr. Bedii looked down at his hands with a humble smile. "You never know what you may come across in life" he replies. I gave him a look of sincerity to let him know I agree with him.
      "Thank you so much for letting me see them. The mannequins are simply amazing." I get up from my chair after thanking him and he leads me back upstairs to the front door. Before I leave, he says "The pleasure is all mine, Maggie. When you first contacted me about them, I was more than happy to show you my father's work. A little company from an unexpected guest is always nice for an old man like me."
      I asked Mr. Bedii if he ever thought about giving them to a museum. He said he'd thought about it but doesn't want to make that decision right now. I shake his hand one last time and thanked him again for his time. I'm so glad I got to witness something like Master Bedii's children.
      I can't imagine how many other things are waiting to be discovered.

Pieces of Knowledge

“Pieces of Knowledge”

There once was a village located in the Western part of Jamaica that was home to the Crush people. The Crush were known for their astonishing physical abilities. It has been rumored that they were very strong, swift, and their ferociousness rivaled that of a mother lioness protecting her young. They ruled the land of Crush for many years.

            The land of Crush was also home to many normal people who did not posses the physical prowess that the Crush did. They lived everyday lives under the laws set by the head of the Crush, who went by the name of Blue Widow. The ordinary people were not well respected by the Crush. They did not have to live in fear but they knew that they must not disobey the rules set by Blue Widow or they would face severe punishments.

            Among the commoners was a mystical healer who went by the name of Genie. He supplied the land of Crush with medicines and herbs to help heal any ailment that they may have. Despite being such fierce warriors, the Crush were not immortal and did succumb to injuries and illness. What they possessed in physical capabilities, they lacked in knowledge, so they often would pay a visit to Genie so he could heal them.

            Genie was the wisest man in the land and everybody respected him for his healing powers. As he grew older, he knew his time on the planet would come to a close eventually. Luckily one day a young boy came rushing into his hut, feeling very weak and bleeding profusely from his leg, he pleaded for Genie to heal him. In a rush Genie ran to his supply cabinet and retrieved the materials he needed and quickly went to work on his patient. After many long hours of work and remedy, Genie managed to seal the boy’s wound and bring him back to full strength.

            After all was done, the boy introduced himself as Abu and gave many thanks and praises to Genie. Being an orphan, Abu did not have anything to pay Genie with and was on a stray path that would surely lead him to more trouble. As the light bulb went off in his head, Genie began to smile and formulate a plan. Seeing as he was the only healer in the village, he must pass on his knowledge and secrets so that when he leaves the world behind, somebody can continue to heal the village of Crush.

            So upon his agreement, Abu became Genie’s understudy. He worked along side of Genie for years as he treated many different people who sought the use of his powers. Abu slowly learned many different techniques and gained a great deal of knowledge.

After many years of peace an intense battle broke out, a Crush warrior was severely wounded and on the verge of death, was brought to Genie in hopes he could be saved. Genie said to the other Crush warriors, “Leave him with me for the night, return after the sun sets tomorrow and he will be as good as new.” He then turned to Abu and said, “Tonight is very important, if all goes well you will have completed your training and will be ready for a quest.”

            Thanks to the many years of peace, Genie did not have to work on a Crush warrior in quite some time and Abu had never even seen one. Filled with infinite questions about this astounding specimen, Abu was quite anxious for this assignment. As they worked through the night, Genie lectured Abu on the Crush warriors. He told them how the warriors feared nobody and did not respect the other people who lived in Crush. As all this information poured into his head, Abu asked Genie, “If the Crush do not respect anybody, why do they respect you?” Genie simply replied, “Now you are asking the right questions. However it is late you must get to bed and we will continue our work on this fallen warrior in the morning.” Despite wanting to ask more questions, Abu complied with Genie’s request. As he laid in bed, his thoughts were running as if a train had been derailed from its tracks and the brakes did not function.

            He woke in the morning to a breakfast platter that would feed a mammoth. Genie said to him, “Eat up, you have a very big day ahead of you.” After he finished his breakfast, Abu went to work with Genie on the warrior. They worked in silence for quite sometime, and out of nowhere Genie asked, “So would you like to know the answer to your question from last night?” Trying to hold back his excitement, Abu replied, “Yes Genie, I would like to know why you are the only one respected by the Crush Warriors.”

            Genie told a story of how he became the village healer. Just like Abu, he himself was an orphan growing up and studied under the legendary healer known as Hitz. Hitz was a very wise man and passed on a great wealth of knowledge to Genie. After many years of study, Hitz had sent Genie on a quest and upon his return, Hitz was nowhere to be found and never to be seen again.

            They two finished their work on the warrior but kept him sedated while they ate dinner. It was during this time that Genie decided that Abu was finally ready. He said, “Abu, out of all the healing knowledge that I was taught, do you know what the most important thing I learned was?” Abu replied, “What is that Genie?” Genie continued, “You must never think that you are smarter or more cunning than you actually are because then you will find yourself in grave danger.” Then without warning, Genie announced he was tired and would lay down until the Crush warriors returned for their brother. As Abu had some free time while Genie was resting, he tried to grapple with the information that Genie had given him.

            Genie woke from his rest just a few short minutes before the Crush were supposed to arrive. He walked outside of the hut to see Abu starring up at the sky. He sat down next to him and asked if he was ready. Confused Abu asked, “What for?” Genie began to describe a quest that would lead Abu to face many challenges and great dangers.

            It was as if time stood still as Genie described to Abu the life changing adventure he was about to begin. The knowledge that great healers such as Genie and his mentor Hitz possessed could only be accessed through the mythical Purple Star. Ancient Tales tell a story of one magical evening in which the sky lit up in different shades of purple while a bright purple streak soared through the sky and crashed somewhere around the area that is home to the Crush people. It is said that this streak is the cherished Purple Star that provides great knowledge and wisdom. Being as valuable and rare as it is, the Purple Star is kept under heavy security through order of Blue Widow.

            As a whirlwind of unanswered questions spun around Abu’s head, Genie heard the Crush warriors approaching and quickly rushed into the hut. He came back out with a small vile of liquid and gave it Abu. He said, “My son, hurry up and drink this for it will make you invisible to the naked eye for long enough so you can follow the Crush people back to their palace. From this point on I will be no help to you. I assure you that you have learned a great deal as you have grown and are prepared for this journey. My last piece of advice is that you must use your mind and logic to defeat the challenges you will face, however you must always remember that you must never think you are smarter or more cunning than you actually are because then you will find yourself in grave danger.” As the Crush warriors approached Genie hugged Abu and went to show the warriors to their brother. Listening to the orders of his mentor, Abu drank the potion and prepared himself for the night he had ahead of him.

            Abu followed the Crush warriors for what seemed like hours before they arrived to the palace. He crouched slowly behind the walls of the palace, awaiting his opportunity to gain entry. Outside the gate was one lonely guard. Abu, remembering the lessons of his mentor Genie and the fact that the Crush people were not as smart as he was, he approached the guard and struck up conversation. The guard was on the defense, but still relaxed seeing as Abu was just an ordinary person and of no physical threat to him. As they talked briefly, the guard introduced himself as Yaba, and Abu waited for the signal. Yaba went on to tell Abu how he is the fastest of the warriors and can run for the longest. This was music to Abu’s ears as he quickly devised a plan to get rid of Yaba. He challenged Yaba to a race. Abu cunningly made up a secret tower in the middle of the forest that was supposedly filled with treasure, if Yaba could beat Abu in a race to the tower, he would be able to indulge in the riches that Abu spoke of. Thinking to himself, there is no way that this puny human could beat him in this race, Yaba quickly accepted the challenge and took off running into the forest. As he jumped over the gate into the palace, Abu chuckled to himself and said aloud, “If only this whole quest goes that easy.”

            Abu did not realize but Genie had planned for him to go at night because all of the Crush warriors were fast asleep during the wee hours of the morning. As Abu snuck around the palace looking for any corridors or secret paths that would lead him to the inner chambers he stumbled across a room with three large pillars in it. The intricately designed pillars were plated with gold and Abu decided that this was the correct way to get to where he needed to be.

            As he entered the golden room he was suddenly grabbed by two large hands and he found himself hanging by his feet as the culprit starred at him. Thinking quickly, Abu struck up a conversation with this brute of a Crush warrior. After a few moments of talking the Crush Warrior set him down and Abu marveled at his size. The warrior stood atleast 9 feet tall and was as wide as a small boat, but he had the intelligence of a bag of rocks. He introduced himself as Oz and told Abu how he guarded the room they were in which was known as Goldilocks. Confused at the name, Abu continued to talk to Oz and soon learned what he must do. Being the guardian of Goldilocks and its 3 pillars, Oz carried with him three separate keys that unlocked stairs to get to each different gold pillar and eventually out of the room.

            Abu realized that there was no way he could take a Crush warrior by pure physical strength, especially one of Oz’s size. He thought back to his youth when he would play hide and seek with kids around the village. He remembered how he would always be able to sneak away from the bigger kids because they were unable to move as quickly in tight spaces. As the plan came together, Abu asked Oz if he cared to play a game of hide and seek. With a little bit of coaxing, Oz agreed and Abu said that he would hide first. As Oz counted and walked around Goldilocks, Abu snuck behind him and was able to snatch two of the keys. When Oz approached the magic number of 50 and yelled out, “ready or not here I come!” Abu ducked into his hiding spot and waited until Oz found him.

            When he was found they both chuckled about the tiny spot that Abu fit into. Abu said to Oz, “go ahead, take a look in there and see how tiny it was.” When Oz poked his head in the small space, Abu gathered up as much strength as he could and drop kicked Oz in the back. This was a hit or miss plan and thankfully for Abu, it worked! Oz’s head and shoulders got jammed in the small hole and he could not get himself out. Abu quickly grabbed the last key and headed up the pillars to continue on his quest.

            As he exited Goldilocks, he walked into a dark room only to see under a ray of light, a small stone sitting on a table in the middle of the room. He thought to himself, it must be the Purple Star! He looked around and when he felt safe that there was nobody in the room with him, he went for the Purple Star. Before he could take more than two steps he was knocked to the floor with one swift blow to the chest. Stunned, he looked up to see Blue Widow, the leader of the Crush warriors. As Abu’s mind raced to try and figure a way out, Blue Widow mocked him for even trying to get close to the Purple Star. Feeling a bit confident from his past two endeavors with Crush warriors, Abu began to try and trick Blue Widow with riddles and even games. After a few tries with no success, Abu grew fearful for his life as Blue Widow yelled out, “Puny human, why do you waste my time with these silly games?”

 Seeing no way out other than a hopeful dash to the door, Abu sprang up and ran as quick as he could. When he was just in reach of his only escape route, Blue Widow pounced on him. Pinned to the floor under the mighty Crush leader, Abu began to panic. He thought back to Genie’s wise words and wished that his mentor were there to help him out. As Blue Widow raised his massive hand to deliver what would surely be a life-ending blow, with a flash of light and a cloud of smoke, Genie appeared in the room!

With great speed as if he were still in his youth, Genie yelled out words in a foreign tongue and a fireball shot from his hand striking Blue Widow square in the chest, setting him ablaze. The room then filled with smoke and Abu passed out.

When he woke still in a daze, he found himself back in Genie’s hut with the Purple Star sitting on their kitchen table. He went to get up and take a look at it but Genie told him to lie back down. Genie said to him, “Abu, did you not remember my words before you left?” Hanging his head, Abu said, “I am sorry Genie, I felt as if I always remembered them but when I had a bit of success, I did not think that anybody could out smart me.” Genie replied, “I know you are very smart and have learned a great deal throughout your studies, but you must know your limits.” Abu responded, “I know Genie, I understand now and appreciate you looking out for me and saving my life.” After a minute of silence Genie walked to the Purple Star and picked it up. With many questions running through his mind and anxious to get his hands on the Purple Star and its knowledge, Abu asked, “Genie how will I learn to know when I am not smart enough to get out of a situation I am stuck in?” Genie chuckled and simply replied, “Abu, when you know the answer to that question, you will truly be ready for the Purple Star.”