Monday, May 6, 2013

The Stormy Road
By: Kaila Stoddard

            On a stormy winter night, four teenagers, Alex, Ryan, Jessica, and Kelly went on a road trip to a cabin owned by Alex’s cousin. The trip to the cabin from Alex’s house was three hours away. The route that they need to take involved a scary road with no guardrails and in the middle of nowhere standing above a lake. They all piled into Alex’s van and headed off.
            The trip was going great despite the rain and snow. The four friends approached this very scary road. They all looked at it and said it was not a good idea to drive on because the roads were very slippery. Alex was very hesitant to drive on it because it looked too dangerous. He looked around to see if there was anywhere close by for them to stay as the storm passes, but he saw nothing. Their only choice was to drive on this road. Alex then put the car in drive and attempted to move. He was going at a steady 10 miles per hour. Everything felt like smooth sailing until they spotted a shadow on the road. Distracting Alex, he swerved off of the road to avoid whatever he may have seen. The car flipped over and smashed into a tree. All four survived. As they regained consciousness, they checked their cell phones two were smashed from the accident, one was lost, and the other did not have any cell phone service. They were trapped in the middle of nowhere with the rain and snow coming down on them making them very cold. They struggled themselves out of the van and tried to look for the shadowy figure they saw on the road. They searched and searched for a couple of hours and found nothing. It kept reappearing and finally they noticed it. They saw this man behind this shadow walking towards them. This man looked like he has been through hell and back. He had cuts and scratches all over him and he was bleeding from everywhere. His wounds looked like it was inflicted by a knife.
            The man warned the kids that there was something in these woods and they need to leave immediately before he/it found them. They trusted this man and ran about three miles down the road until they spotted a gas station. They went in there and told the clerk the whole story of what had just happened on this terrifying night. The clerk called the police and they were there in about twenty minutes because this place was very secluded. He then drove the teenagers back to the spot where they crashed and met this very scary man. They all rushed out of the car. The police officer knew where the man was where all of the tools were that the crazy man used. The four teenagers thought that this was unusual that he knew where everything was and this was his first time in this area. The teenagers started to panic and before it was too late the police officer was coming at them with a knife. The four teenagers rushed back into the police car and drove away because t left the keys in the ignition. The kids ran away from the officer and survived this whole ordeal.

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